Bridging the gap
Theory and Actual Construction
Architects and Engineers create in a world of Unique Design and Structural Theory...
Developers and Builders exist in a world of practicality and ease in construction...
I function in a world where I design for the Owner, providing them with the project they can be proud of - yet adheres to the standard construction practices that make projects affordable.
My Philosophy is Two-Fold:
A home should be an inviting oasis where each member of the family feels free to be who they are.
It is my intent to make each house a Home - a gathering place that flows with the family instead of the family trying to function within the space they "call" home. After all, Home is a place where memories are made...
Each and every project is important to me. It is my intent to provide the best service possible and that includes the availability to answer questions quickly during construction. As a representative of the Owner, It is my mission to insure that the Owner receives to project they desire with minimal extra charges from the contractor.
Office Number : 760.728.6394
Cell Number : 760.468.1537